If you have questions, or would like to report a concern regarding the safety of a minor, please contact the Office of Compliance and Ethics at (202) 687.6493 or by email at protectionofminors@georgetown.edu.
Concerns or problems may also be reported through the confidential Compliance Helpline, which is available 24 hours a day.
In case of an emergency, one should immediately call Georgetown’s Department of Public Safety (DPS) at (202) 687.4343, the Georgetown Law Center Department of Public Safety at (202) 662.9325, or the Metropolitan Police Department at 911.
Georgetown University Compliance Helpline

The Georgetown University Compliance Helpline is a safe, and anonymous if desired, way to report problems or raise questions or concerns. To access the Helpline, click on Jack or call 888-239-9181
Programs and activities that involve minors are integral to Georgetown’s mission and identity. From child-care services for employees to a broad range of academic, athletic, enrichment, and other programs during the summer and the academic year, the University is deeply engaged in providing opportunities for minors. The University also allows certain outside organizations and groups to use the campus for programs that involve minors. At the core of all of these programs is a commitment to providing a safe environment and a positive experience for all participants.
The Protection of Minors Policy provides guidelines and requirements that apply broadly to University students, faculty, staff and volunteers, and also imposes requirements on non-University organizations that operate programs or activities involving minors on campus. The policy sets forth guidelines to help prevent the abuse or neglect of those under 18 years of age and for reporting and responding to incidents in which the safety of minors may be compromised. In addition to increasing awareness of minor abuse and neglect among all members of the University community and requiring reporting, it imposes additional requirements (training and background checks) on those who participate in programs or activities involving minors.
Georgetown University also has policies and procedures in place to address Sexual Misconduct on campus, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, relationship and dating violence, and stalking. Information about policies and resources relating to sexual misconduct is available on the Title IX and Sexual Misconduct webpage.